June 19, 2009

My montage "AYa & TAT"

I watched figure skating on youtube and stumbled at my own videomontage! Somebody uploaded it on youtube. I am so surprised. There are comments "I can't stop watching this video..." and "it lines up so perfectly with the music" :) I am very glad that my montage is still touching people. My "yagudinomania" was not vain :)

Edited to add:
Oh no, now it's me who can't stop watching this video!

And I checked profile of that person who uploaded this video. She is not a fan of Yagudin, she is a fan of figure skating. There is only one video of Yagudin on her channel, and it is my montage :)

BTW, yagudinomania was a very good experience for me. At least, it was the first time when I began to write English... Also I translated Russian articles and interviews into English... Not very good of course, but anyway :)

June 13, 2009

Worse or better?

It seems now I am at the stage where my written English is getting worse... Yes, it seems that several months ago my written English was better. I don't know why I feel this way, but... Perhaps, English-speakers think that my English is the same, or better... But I think it is getting worse. And I know the reasons and, moreover, I am even quite happy with this. Because the main reason is: while writing I don't use a dictionary anymore any longer. And the second reason is that now I am not afraid to do make mistakes. I don't reread what I write and post the "snapshot" of my thought.

June 10, 2009

Magnitogorsk will be 80 years!

June, 30 is the "birthday" of Magnitogorsk. This year it will turned 80!
So, if anybody want to receive a postcard from Magnitogorsk, e-mail me your postal address (at LingQ all my friends can see my e-mail).

I offer citiviews, cards with our hockey team "Metallurg" (Evgeny Malkin, Alexei Kaygorodov, Evgeny Varlamov, Travis Scott, Dave King, etc.) and cards with archaeological reserve Arkaim.
So, you can request
  • one stamped and written card with Magnitogorsk;
  • a letter with Magnitogorsk written card + "Metallurg" card
  • a letter with Magnitogorsk written card + "Arkaim" card
  • a letter with Magnitogorsk written card + "Metallurg" card + "Arkaim" card

For learners of Russian I will write in Russian ;)

June 3, 2009


I signed up for postcrossing RR "Pig in a Poke". Every member of this RR request cards written in some specific language, but when you sign up, you don't know what user you will send a postcard... And now I have to send a postcard to USA written in French... Honestly, I didnot like French before. But now it seems rather interesting. *gg*

June 2, 2009

Handwritten Russian

Объединенный закон Ньютона-Архимеда:
Всякое тело сохраняет состояние покоя или равномерного прямолинейного движения, если только погруженная в него жидкость не выведет его из этого состояния.

  • Тяжелая работа ещё никого не убила, но зачем рисковать?
  • Изменить человека легко -- достаточно изменить его привычки, а это очень трудно.
  • Не теряйте время зря, теряйте его с пользой.
  • Что будет, если дважды испугаться до полусмерти?