February 14, 2010




February 8, 2010

LingQ is a work for me?!

The last two mornings I found not very pleasant messages at my LingQ wall.

The preamble.
This person added me at Skype. I asked who is it. Several days later, when I was preparing for the next my English/Japanese or Russian discussion, he wrote me again. I did not answer, as there was just before a discussion and I was preparing for it (drinking a glass of water or having some snacks -- I do not remember). Then again and again. I never have Skype turned on, if I don't have a discussion, so every time when he tried to contact me I was working.

Finally I got bothered and just blocked this user, because I did not want receive his messages any longer during my work or study.

And now I received a row of messages from him at my wall.
"Do I need pay to talk to you ? If, so, tell it on your profile !"
"Hey Sakura, thanks for help us how to improve our russian understanding.I am abou to check your audiobook "
"Ok, I just did not realised that this is your principally work :( But, there are some people who help me & without money.Maybe they are too fool as they have helped me.But, I already thanked you about the contribution you provided for us. Sorry about something."
"I speak with whomsoever without charging :) "

Well, let's start.
First, my profile says that I am a tutor. It is pretty enough. If you don't know who is a tutor, check LingQ FAQ.
Second, at least this person understand that I share lessons. Thanks.
Third, the main part that insulted me. Finally it appears, that LingQ is a work for me. Ha-ha! have this person (with zero activity at LingQ) even realised how much time it take to record and transcribe a lesson? How many points I receive for that? 500-600. And LingQ is a work for me? I buy at least 4000 points every month. It is a work for me?
Forth, what he can give me in return? Who is he? Why I should teach someone with Beginner I level? Has he shown me his interest in Russian? If I don't have discussions and I have done all my house work, I usually record some lessons for LingQ library. Why I should spend this time for teaching one, without any paying and respect, while my lessons could help tens (or perhaps hundreds) of people?
I don't understand this position at all. Does he think that I am a stay at home millionaire?..